Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cosmetics Before Surgery

Although I may be unskilled in the maintenance department, I excel in making things look good.  And in order to feel  comfortable and at home on the new boat, I felt it necessary to take care of the really important things first, like throw pillows to match the pastel turquoise cushions in the salon,  matching towels for the galley and head, and new cushions and bedding in the aft cabin.
I searched high and low for the perfect items, keeping in mind that we’re on a budget, most of which is earmarked for more relevant repairs.  There are some great items and deals to be found on Amazon, Ebay and Overstock, but a lot of times I prefer to see things before I buy them so I can be assured of the color and texture.  Having redecorated and furnished several homes over the years, I have found the big box discount stores, like Marshall’s and TJ Maxx offer the best selection and price.  Although you may have to go to several stores within a chain to find the right item or quantify of items, what you save in the long run will be worth your time.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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